Rewind Your Sexual Life Back To How It Was In Your Prime ...With Ultimate Man Sexual Enhancement Formula.

...So You Can Permanently Cure Weak Erektion & Get 'Strong & Long Lasting Erektion' In Bed ...100% Naturally With Zero Side Effects!

“Erektion Problem should be treated urgently without any further delay Before It Becomes An Irreversible full blown ED Or Permanent lmpotency…” Dr Alba, USA

From The Kitchen, I Heard My Wife Crying…

sexually disappointed wife

It startled me and caused me to pause for a moment…

She was on the phone with her best friend, Lynda, and what she was talking about was ME.

“Of course I love him,” she said, “we’ve been married for Twelve years.”

“It’s not a matter of love. It’s a matter of how unfulfilled I am.”

“He Just Can’t Perform Like He Used To, You Know?”

“He rarely wants to have sex anymore and I think it’s because he’s afraid he won’t be able to get an erection even if he wants to.

I don’t know if it’s because he isn’t attracted to me anymore or what? 

It makes me feel ugly and unwanted! And now, I no longer want to even try to have sex with him.

Sexually frustrated couple

Maybe It’s Because He’s getting older.

I think part of it is that he’s just not the man he used to be. 

I guess it’s something I need to deal with; that I’ll be sexxxually frustrated and unfulfilled for the rest of my life.

And of course, it’s upsetting. Because deep down, I do know that I am still attractive. 

To be honest, other men approach me and hit on me all of the time. Obviously, I’d never do anything, but I can’t say I don’t like the attention.

And even more than that, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with a real man who had a strong sexx drive. I missed it so much.

A man who didn’t have to worry about even getting an erection in the first place. A man who could really satisfy me, rather than my husband.”

As I Listen To This, It Felt Like A Sharp Knife Was Pierced In My Heart

sexually disaappointed man

It felt as if she’d just chopped off my man-hood

It was that excruciatingly painful

Slowly, I crept back out of the house, got back in my car, drove to the nearest shopping center and sat in my car for more than two hours, tears in my eyes, struggling to breathe.

To hear her talk that way was shocking, but the more I thought about it and the more honest with myself that I was… the more I realized I shouldn’t have been so surprised.

Cos, What She Was Saying Is True

I have been married for over 2decades and our marriage had always been awesome with plenty of good, wholesome sex

But as I got older, I found myself losing interest and struggling to get my soldier up like I used to.

My woman would be  inside waiting for me to come do my manly duty.

But even though my BRAIN wanted it, the message wasn’t getting passed down below my waist.

At first I blamed it on stress from work, on my eating habits, drinking alcohol, and not getting enough exercise…

But no matter how I changed my routine, no matter what I took it kept happening.

And This Caused Me More Anxiety, Which Made The Problem Worse…

Sexually frustrated man

sexual enhancement

When I did manage to get it hard, I had trouble “keeping my wood.” I’d either go totally limp, or get nervous and end too quick.

My soldier felt as useless as soggy spaghetti…

I tried different product, from pills to injections, to therapy

The pills I used did help some, but they came with so many negative drawbacks.

For one thing, they were incredibly expensive. I was paying N65,000 or more every month, which worked out to over Five Hundred thousand Naira per year – spare cash I simply didn’t have lying around.

That’s not to mention the embarrassment of buying those pills in the first place…

Or the fact that they gave me stomach cramps, nausea, and other side effects…

I felt like I either had to force myself to have sex with my wife, or avoid it entirely.

And because my confidence was so shaken, I became more and more afraid of being intimate.

I didn’t want to use pills, but it seemed like my most important part just wouldn’t work without them…

But, It Wasn’t Always Like This...

In my twenties, I’d been well known for my vigor and vitality.

I could go all night, and both the women I was with before getting married… and my wife afterwards… would comment on how much they loved being intimate with me…

I don’t know about you, but for me, having sex on a daily or bi-daily basis… being able to last as long as I wanted and to give my lover multiple orgasms, had always been a huge point of pride.

So what the hell happened?

How did I go from a Rock Star in the bedroom, to a total dud?

Was it just aging? Was something wrong with me?

I really didn’t know, which is why after hearing my wife on the phone…

I Made The Desperate Decision To Spend Every Waking Moment Of My Time Looking For A Solution For My Erectile Dysfunction…

Then I Discovered The Real Cause Of Erection Problem

Contrary to popular believe, the real cause of erection problem is not Aging

Think About it..

Our grandfathers and great-grand fathers married as many wives as they want, with lots of children to show for it.

Some even married younger wives at age 70+ and still satisfied these younger women

so what happened, what changed, why is our case different

The Answer is Simple

The food we eat and chemical Drugs we consume.


The cause of your erection problem and even other illness is the food you are eating and medicines you have been taking over the years.

inefficient sexual performance enhancers drugssexual enhancement

Please Pay Attention As I Am About To Open Your Eyes To A Deep SECRET.

Before the year 1900, the world only uses natural cure, diets and herbs to cure sicknesses.

Our forefathers never consumed pills and drugs, only herbal natural products, which makes them completely healthy and sickness-free

Infact, there was nothing like pills and chemical drugs at this time..

But everything changed in 1900

It all began with John D. Rockefeller who controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later on broken up to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil

Around 1900, scientists discovered that petrochemicals had the ability to create all kinds of chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs from oil. 

This was a wonderful opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time!

The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.

But there was one problem with Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry 

Natural/herbal medicines were very popular in the world at that time. 

Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the world were practicing holistic medicine, using knowledge from Europe, Africa and Native Americans herbs.

Rockefeller had to figure out a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic strategy of “problem-reaction-solution.” 

That is, create a problem and scare people, and then offer a (pre-planned) solution.

To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges, hospitals and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board” (GEB). 

Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed.

In a very short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. 

All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.

It was about the money..

A pill for an ill became the mantra for modern medicine.

So, now we are, 100 years later, churning out doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practices. 

We have an entire society that is enslaved to pharmaceutical corporations for its well-being.

And this pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars every year from selling these drugs

(You can see links below to read more about this information.)

So, How Does This Affect You?

We all have been a victim of this system and have consumed lots of chemical medicine.

As you read this, I am sure you have one or two drugs in your house.

From panadol to paracetamol, High bp drugs, to diabetes drugs and so on.

You will agree with me that, men who are on medications have the most challenges with erection. 

These drugs gradually destroy the body, damage different organs in the body and narrows the circulatory system and cause many adverse effect on our body.

This is what leads to diabetes, stroke, heart problem, erection problem and many other sicknesses.

So, What Is The Solution!!!

We already know that Erection problem is caused by years of accumulation of unwanted chemicals, toxins, sugar, flavonids etc in the body.

If these stuffs are not first eradicated from the body, treating ED may be impossible.

You will only continue to consume more chemical product and make the case even worse.

The Goodnews Is That ULTIMATE Man Sexual Enhancement Is All You Need.

The Ultimate Man Sexual Enhancement Formular is made up of two unique powerful products put together to form this amazing solution that has been helping lots of people struggling with all sorts of erectile issues.

 Comprising with over 10 different active ingredients. These ingredients ranges from Detox herb, Waist pain herb, erection herb, penile vain strengthening herb, quick ejaculation herbs, libido herb,  and many more..

The ingredients of this powerful formular have been carefully selected by experts who have been in the treatment of Ed problem for decades. 

The Ultimate Man Sexual Enhancement Formula will get rid of these toxins and chemical from your body, reset and fix your body back to normal.

And you will get your full erection back naturally, anytime you want it, and for as long as you want it.

The Ultimate Man Sexual Enhancement Formula is a safe, shockingly effective method for bringing back weak soldier to live.

And allows you and your partner have the most mind-blowin time you have ever had in years.

After today, you will never worry if having 1 more drink means you won’t be able to perform tonight…

You’ll never again experience the embarrassing shame that comes when you’re in bed with your woman, and have to say the dreaded words…

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong. I guess I’m under a lot of stress due to work” … 

Only to hear her say it’s OK right before she rolls over and goes to sleep…

And leave you looking like a loser…

It will never happen again.

You will be able to handle her anytime you want, anywhere you want and for as long as you want..

Sexual Enhancer

And you’ll NEVER touch ineffective creams, dangerous ‘truck stop pills’ or ask your doctor to write you a prescription again…

Instead, you and your woman will get to enjoy a lifetime of the hard-as-steal that she can never get enough of…

See What People Are Saying About This Product.


My life was was already sinking. I just came out of prostate issues alive, then TB took over. Already, medications were on for HBP.

Due to the dangerous chemical drugs already in my system, my sex life had gone down the drain. Just looking up to God when suddenly, FAFORLIFE appeared! The first one bottle made sense, then the next. By the time I added the third bottle, I began to have partial-slight erection! By the seventh week or so, the ROCKET PROPELLER called SPIDEX21, arrived.

Listen, I have tried so many drugs to enhance my sexuality but Spidex21 settled it all! I can wholeheartedly shout it out even in the market place that this product has NO Equal. Going by my 64th year, if it could handle my case, a totally collapsed organ, yours can't be an exception.

Thank you Prince Bognet. Thank you FAFORLIFE!!!

" …I Feel Younger In General… "

At first I was skeptical but this product worked. I’ve been able to get hard like I used to. But I had no idea there were so many other benefits. My blood pressure is down, I sleep better, I have more mental focus, I just feel relaxed… it’s like I feel younger in general.

Fill The Form Below To Place Your Order

You Need To Act Fast

If you are a man and you are not able to satisfy your woman, then your woman is already getting tired of your everyday poor performance, and it is only a matter of time before she starts complaining or even start cheating on you with another man.. 

And that is not even the worst thing…

If you don’t fix the root cause of this problem and you keep taking all these quick-fix “chemical-laced” pills that does nothing to cure the root cause of the problem, then you are heading for doom.

And it is only a matter of time before full blown ED sets in Leaving You In A Permanent And irreversible State Of Penile Tissue Decay…

Or As Urologists Call It, “Sexual Death or Impotence.”

Dont let it get to this point, fix this problem now while you still can.. And The Ultimate Man Formular is all you need.

YES!!! I Want The Ultimate Man Sexual Enhancement Formula

You Can Get One Month Pack For Just N15,400 (Formerly N24,999)

Two Months Packs For N28,800 (Formerly N47,999)

Three Months Packs For N56,200 (Formerly N95,997)

Plus.. You Get FREE Delivery And Payment On Delivery

Fill The Form Below To Place Your Order

NB: Depending on your body system, the speed of your result may vary. Some customers see results after first dose, while some see after 3rd bottle. Some customers need atleast one month supply (two bottles) due to the damage already in their systems to see the effectiveness of our product.

Simply call us on on 07087970133 and demand for a refund.

As simple as ABC.

Disclaimer: Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.Not intended for children.You should always consult with your healthcare practitioner prior to starting any new dietary supplement or program.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.